Business & Growth

Free enterprise gives workers and businesses the opportunity to live the American dream.



Texas state government regulates thousands of businesses through the Texas Workforce Commission and dozens of professions—from auctioneers to midwives to well drillers—through the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation. Effective conservatives value a fair marketplace, safe workplace, rational regulations, and preventing unfair actions by state agencies.

Reliable electricity

The 2021 winter storm revealed systematic failures in the way Texas generates electricity and regulates market participants through the Public Utility Commission, Electric Reliability Council of Texas, and Railroad Commission. With electricity demand set to rise over 25 percent by 2030, effective conservatives champion comprehensive reforms that protect the power grid.

adequate water

Each year, millions of Texans endure severe drought conditions, including rural farmers and ranchers, suburban homeowners and growing businesses in urban centers. Effective conservatives recognize that in addition to $2.6 billion now invested in 40 reservoirs and facilities under construction, further steps are required to keep up with our state’s rising water supply needs.