2023 Exemplary Conservative award winners

The 2023 Exemplary Conservative Award recognizes exceptional legislators who deliver conservative solutions in policy areas that are foundational for continued prosperity in Texas. Biennially, master lawmakers receive this award on the basis of their demonstrated leadership to advance core functions of state government during the prior Regular and Special Sessions of the Texas Legislature.



Rep. Greg Bonnen

Rep. Morgan Meyer

Rep. Jeff Leach

Rep. Todd Hunter

Rep. Angie Chen Button

Rep. Ken King

Rep. Brad Buckley

Rep. Gary VanDeaver 

Rep. Jacey Jetton

Rep. Lacey Hull

Rep. Ryan Guillen


Sen. Joan Huffman

Sen. Kelly Hancock

Sen. Robert Nichols

Sen. Brandon Creighton

Sen. Lois Kolkhorst

Sen. Pete Flores


2023 Effective Conservative award winners

The 2023 Effective Conservative Award recognizes outstanding legislators who prioritize conservative results for the State of Texas. Biennially, recipients of this award are conservative standard-bearers and are selected on the basis of their consistent support for laws passed in the prior Session that advance limited government solutions, promote reasonable regulations and encourage continued prosperity in Texas.

For additional information, please view our list of impactful legislation from the 2023 Texas Legislature and the recorded votes taken by effective legislators in the Texas Senate and Texas House of Representatives.



Sen. Brian Birdwell

Sen. Brandon Creighton

Sen. Pete Flores

Sen. Kelly Hancock

Sen. Joan Huffman

Sen. Phil King

Sen. Lois Kolkhorst

Sen. Robert Nichols

Sen. Tan Parker

Sen. Charles Perry

Sen. Charles Schwertner

Sen. Drew Springer


Rep. Steve Allison

Rep. Trent Ashby

Rep. Ernest Bailes

Rep. Keith Bell

Rep. Greg Bonnen

Rep. Brad Buckley

Rep. DeWayne Burns

Rep. Dustin Burrows

Rep. Angie Chen Button

Rep. Briscoe Cain

Rep. Giovanni Capriglione

Rep. David Cook

Rep. Drew Darby

Rep. Jay Dean

Rep. Mano DeAyala

Rep. James Frank

Rep. Frederick Frazier

Rep. Gary Gates

Rep. Stan Gerdes

Rep. Charlie Geren

Rep. Craig Goldman

Rep. Ryan Guillen

Rep. Cody Harris

Rep. Cole Hefner

Rep. Justin Holland

Rep. Lacey Hull

Rep. Todd Hunter

Rep. Jacey Jetton

Rep. Kyle Kacal

Rep. Ken King

Rep. Stan Kitzman

Rep. Stephanie Klick

Rep. John Kuempel

Rep. Stan Lambert

Rep. Brooks Landgraf

Rep. Jeff Leach

Rep. Janie Lopez

Rep. J.M. Lozano

Repp. John Lujan

Rep. Will Metcalf

Rep. Morgan Meyer

Rep. Andrew Murr

Rep. Candy Noble

Rep. Tom Oliverson

Rep. Angelia Orr

Rep. Tan Parker

Rep. Jared Patterson

Rep. John Raney

Rep. Glenn Rogers

Rep. Mike Schofield

Rep. Matt Shaheen

Rep. Hugh Shine

Rep. Reggie Smith

Rep. David Spiller

Rep. Lynn Stucky

Rep. Carl Tepper

Rep. Kronda Thimesch

Rep. Ellen Troxclair

Rep. Gary VanDeaver

Rep. Cody Vasut

Rep. Terry Wilson